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Blog | Scouts Christmas Light Trail 2024
By Simon Baldwin

This festive season, a couple of our creative Scouts have gone above and beyond to spread Christmas cheer by designing a magical Christmas light trail for their troop. Winding through twinkling lights throughout Flitwick, the trail is showcases some of the great displays in the town for everyone to enjoy. Along the way, there’s an optional short quiz, with answers based on observations of the festive displays along the route.

The route is described as part of the quiz, or can be followed along using a map of the route

Scouts Christmas Light Trail 2024

From the Scout Hut, head towards the Christmas Tree (next to the old Barclays bank).
Turn right down the Avenue
Q1) On the Avenue, one of the first houses on the left has reindeer outside, how many?
Walk to the end of the Avenue, turn left onto Hinksley Road & then right into Roman Way.
Q2) St Nicholas Close, the display on the right, what is the snowman (who is shivering) holding?
Turn right down Saxon Close
Q3) How many Christmas inflatables are there in the first light display in Saxon Close?
Go back onto Roman Way, and turn right on Hinksley Road. Walk along Hinksley road until you get to the turning at Catherine road (cross over). Look over to the other side of Hinksley road to a house with an archway of lights. 
Q4) True or false, are the lights along the middle of the archway rainbow coloured?
Walk along Catherine Road, turn left onto The Ridgeway. Walk along The Ridgeway then turn right onto High Street towards the Blackbirds pub. 
Q5) Where have the Christmas trees moved to?
Keep following the High Street to the chip shop.
Q6) Opposite the chip shop, how many snowman are in the hedge?
Walk along Windmill road and then turn right into Millwright way. Follow the alley way past the tennis courts/allotments into the new estate. Continue following the path to Froghall road, then turn left. Follow the path along Darwin Croft. 
Q7) At the 6th house along Darwin Croft, how many candy canes are there?
Head towards Ryder Way, passing the square/bus stop and into the cul-de-sac. 
Q8) At the end of the cul-de-sac, with the Grinch display, what does the banner say?
Continue along Ryder Way towards Steppingley Road.
Q9) At the last house on the right of Ryder Way, what musical instrument is out front?
Turn left onto Steppingly road and follow along, crossing the top of Windmill Road. 
Q10) After crossing Windmill Road, find the fence with 3 wooden trees. How many stars?
Walk back towards the Scout Hut.


Flitwick Scout Group

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